Upute i zadaci, procitati 06. 05.
1. Best of friends, listening 26. 01.
Hi students,
thanks for sending in the homework, please use the Loomen to send answers instead of sending emails, in the future.
Let's talk about best friends. Please OPEN YOUR ONLINE BOOKS (you need to register with the code, we practiced that in class) and listen to the 7.5. There is also a script available in your book if you lost the code somehow.
to drop me - to stop haging out with me
to kick off - to play football, to start something
a penpal - a friend that lives far away and you write letter to each other *old times of no email
'cos - because
spiky hair - messy hair
I will open a special link to hand in the homework - no 1. written and 3. fill it in and take photo.
Please ask if you have questions about unknown words or any other questions at all, I am here for you .