HOMEWORK 06. 05., please share your answers here

Homework 6.5.

Homework 6.5.

napisao/la Patrik Hulak -
Broj odgovora: 0

1. If I found a bag containing $1 million, I would probably invest half of it and I would keep the other half.
2. If I saw someone in trouble and there were other people around, I would keep walking since there are already enough people helping.
3. If a child in the street told me he was lost, I'd help it if I wouldn't be in a rush otherwise, I would just find someone else to do it.
4. If I was in my car and saw someone waiting at the side of the road, I'd drive by unless I'm going at low speeds in which case I would slow down for them to pass.
5. If I were an only child, I think I would definitely be more selfish and less social.