What determines tastes in music?

Read the text Why culture, not race, determines tastes in music and say if you agree or not and explain why.

Read the posts of other students and make comments.

List of discussions. Showing 3 of 3 discussions
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Picture of Mejza Zenelji
Mejza Zenelji
Picture of Izabela Vujičić Capar
Izabela Vujičić Capar
Picture of Lana-Ana Pus
Lana-Ana Pus
Picture of Izabela Vujičić Capar
Izabela Vujičić Capar
Picture of Izabela Vujičić Capar
Izabela Vujičić Capar
Picture of Izabela Vujičić Capar
Izabela Vujičić Capar