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CARNET - Arhiva 2021 Loomen
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Arhiva 2021 Loomen
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Preuzimanje tečaja iz arhive
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Hrvatski (hr)
Deutsch (de)
English (en)
Español - España (es_es)
Español - Internacional (es)
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Italiano (it)
Pretraži e-kolegije
Automatic document handlers (ADH)
are available on some scanners and can increase throughput and lessen operator fatigue for sets of uniform documents in reasonably good condition.
This term is used in following lessons:
How can the basic digitisation workflow look like?
What should I know about digitisation equipment?
DRSMI Course Glossary
Forum s vijestima
What is the rationale for digitisation activities in the cultural heritage domain?
How can the basic digitisation workflow look like?
Final quiz for topic 1
What should I know about digitisation equipment?
What should I know about software used in digitisation process?
When should I create my own digitisation lab?
Final quiz for topic 2
What is DigitLab?
What should I know about digital libraries?
Case study: Digital libraries infrastructure in Poland
When should I create my own digital library and how to do it?
Final quiz for topic 3
Digital libraries - advanced material
How to create good collections?
What should I know about Intellectual Property Rights?
Final quiz for topic 4
How to digitize photographs/drawings/posters and prepare them for web delivery?
How to digitize and prepare for the web delivery objects with textual content?
How to prepare audio and video for web delivery?
How to digitise and prepare for web delivery sculptures/monuments and other 3-D objects?
What is a Digital Master Copy and why it is so important?
Final quiz for topic 5
What is metadata?
How to prepare descriptive metadata?
What should I know about Dublin Core Terms?
Final quiz for topic 6
Metadata standards
How to publish an object in a digital library?
How to promote digital objects on the Internet?
Things to remember
Final quiz for topic 7
How to test the usability of digital library user interface?
How to evaluate the information retrieval capabilities of a digital library?
How to monitor the usage of digital library?
Final quiz for topic 8
What have you learnt?
Where to search for additional information?
Final quiz
Introduction to Europeana
Forum s vijestima ►