Unit 4
Preparation for the PROJECT TASK
Project task options
Steps in preparing a spoken output
Analysing possible topics
Unit 4
In the previous units you have been working on rules and principles of oral
communication.The units 1 - 3 were a preparation for a structured speech and for an argumentative discussion.
You have completed a number of exercises, which showed you how one can:
- use particular phrases to structure a speech,
- build up vocabulary related to a specific topic (in this case – media),
- how to prepare a short speech or a monologue,
- how to take part in a discussion and express one’s opinion.
Now you should be ready to work on your project task.
![SNIMAJ SNIMAJ](https://arhiva-2021.loomen.carnet.hr/pluginfile.php/158825/mod_book/chapter/20277/M_SNIMAJ.png)
The following steps should help you in working on your project:
- chose a topic of your interest
- think about your project option (A or B)
- brainstorm the ideas you would like to talk about
- make a draft of your speech/presentation or discussion
- do additional research about the topic, if needed
- make a list or a mind map of basic terms
- check the main parts of your speech (introduction, body, conclusion) or phrases for expressing agreement/disagreement
- practice to speak fluently (without a written support)
- measure the time you need
- adjust the length of your speech or discussion
Two options for the project task
When choosing the option think about the technical possibilities of submitting the the final product of your project.
You can also have somebody make a video recording of your speech /presentation (you do not have to use professional equipment, mobile-phone and/or digital cameras are an option). If you prefer you could use Skype and arrange an appointment with the tutor who will monitor your discussion (in the group call version).
Feel free to suggest other topics. If you are not sure about your choice consult your tutor.
Keep in mind that the chosen topic should be interesting for both participants of the discussion. If you and your partner should have other ideas for the discussion consult your tutor.
OPTION A – prepare a short speech / presentation (10 – 15 min)
OPTION B – find a partner and prepare a discussion (5 – 10 min)
In the option A you are expected to make an audio recording of your speech and send an mp3 file (e.g. you can use Audicity software for your recording).
In the option B you can also make an audio or a video recording.
Here are some topics for the option A
Here are some opening statements for your discussion in the option B
Here you can find the recording tool which will enable you to find the instructions for recording, saving and sending the audio clip/extract you will produce.
Introduction Learning outcomes Study materials Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 . Unit 4 Unit 5 Project tasks Test