HOMEWORK 06. 05., please share your answers here

Homework 15.04.

Homework 15.04.

napisao/la Matko Manzin -
Broj odgovora: 1

Exercise 4


Morning: Sleeping 

Afternoon: Sleeping 

Evening: Going to friend's house


Morning: Sleeping 

Afternoon: Sleeping 

Evening: Studying and doing homework

Exercise 5

Are you doing anything on Saturday morning?

I can't do Saturday morning. I'm sleeping during that time.

How about afternoon?

Let me see.. No, that won't work because I'm still sleeping.

Well then, when will you be awake?

I will be awake by 6PM, probably.

I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me and my friends.

Sure, why not. Where should I meet up with you and your friends?

Meet us at our old school, we will be at the entrance.

Okay, expect me there around 8PM sharp.

Alright, see you soon

Yeah man, alright, bye.

Odgovor na Matko Manzin

Re: Homework 15.04.

napisao/la Iva Tarle -
Thanks Matko, good job.
Around 8 PM sharp. - around means about and sharp means precisely - There is no logic to put both, use either because it is mixing meanings. 8 PM sharp or around 8 PM.