HOMEWORK 06.05., please share your answers here



von Diego Folla -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Are they national or international?

The news at the moment are international.

Are they about the environment,politics,crime, etc.?

They are about Covid 19.

1.What is her cause for concern?

She is concerned about influence of video games on children.

2. What does she have a personal interest?

She has personal interest because she has younger brother Craig.

3.How did Craig use to be?

He played football, he was learning judo, he went out with his friends.

4.What does research tell us about the addiction?

Reseacrh tell us about that small minority of early teens have become addicts.

5.Do most children become addicts?

Yes most children become addicts.

6.What concerns Dr Griffiths?

Dr Griffiths is concern that children may become so addicted that they stop doing homework,start playing truant, and stealing money to buy games.

7. What other concerns does the girl have?

The girl is concerned about her brother health.

3.Read the talk again and answer the questions.

1. Find examples of the speaker talking from her own experience

She talks abu+out her brother

2.Find examples where she quotes research.

In the second paragraph is mentioned research about addiction.

3.How does the girl conclude her talk?

She says that more research is needed and she doesn t need to read more research to conclude thet video games cause problems.