Written assignment

Dear students!

Write a story of 200-250 words ending with the sentence: ”...I was left alone, staring at the red lights of the car as it disappeared into the night.”

Paragraph 1: Describe the background scene (time, place, characters and actions)

Paragraph 2: Write about what happened before the main event.

Paragraph 3: Describe the main event.

Paragraph 4: Describe the reactions of the characters and the consequences of the event.

Make sure your story contains all the points listed and is written in an appropriate style for a short piece of fiction. You can you use whatever you need to write this piece of fiction (your books, dictionary/online dictionary…).

I would also like you to do task 3 and 4 on page 58 in your workbook, as well as task 3 on page 59 (gap-fill exercise). I am going to check the tasks in two weeks. (you do not need to send me anything)

p.s. sastavke predajete profesorici Bobek (kabinet 5). 

Iva Kliček