Reading and grammar - conditionals

Dear students!

First, I would like you to read the text How the other half live, page 18, and concentrate on task 3 and 4 (send a photo of the page after you do the task). Another thing you need to do is on page 117 – Grammar builder 2.2. Second Conditional. Read the rules and complete task 1 (118, and send me a photo). I am also sending a Ppt with rules on forming all 4 conditional sentences (we talked about conditional sentences last year so I hope this is not going to be a problem; you just need to revise and make sure you understand the rules). 

Your tasks are due on Saturday.

Next week we are going to meet on Zoom for some speaking exercises and your written assignment, and after we return to school we are going to concentrate on Matura tasks – listening (among other things).

Iva Kliček